Tuesday, October 30, 2012

...And the Adventure Begins

the thirtieth of october, two thousand and twelve

We've just arrived at the airport and I had a moment to write the first official blog of our trip to Taiwan! We left home around 9:15pm for a flight leaving at 1:40am, because we needed to be early...(yeah I was a little anxious and needed to get to the airport).  I knew that the check-in and security check would be a nightmare and take forever, and after about 5 quick minutes we were in...oops didn't expect it to be so quick...so...now we are just  w a i t i n g . . .

See ya on the other side!  
Thanks for following our trip!

Fact of the Day: Did you know that Burger King at the airport charges $9.29 for a 10 piece chicken nugget meal!  <-----the reason I don't have kids....well that and the wife issue


  1. Hey! We waited for you at the bowling alley!!.... Lol Jk :) Can't wait to see your cool pics! Hope your 5 hour wait wasn't too bad lol. Be safe have fun!! -Mo

  2. Duuuude, we could have just put a movie on or something then sent you on your way! But then you would have been detained by TSA or something.
    Also, don't forget that in China you need to beware of the prettier girls they just could be pretty men... ;) just saying. it's a thing. it's real.
