Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Few More Thoughts From Grant

Hello again friends. I know it has been a while since I have posted anything but you know me. Also Keith keeps hogging the computer :).... just kidding.

First of all I would like to respond to the request about those spiders. Personally I would like to dispose of all of them for the rest of time. However, as that is not a decision that I as a mere human get to make, I will simply say..... AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! How would you like to be taking a picture of Taipei 101 in the distance trying to get a good perspective through the trees, only to have the flash go off and see what appears to be a spider the size of a small mini-van about 6 inches from your face? Perhaps you too would need a shot of adrenaline straight to your heart, in order to bring you back from the bright light at the end of the tunnel. For those of you that do not know me very well, I .... despise... no ... detest.... no no.... hate spiders with the passion of a thousand suns. That thing was literally as big as my hand. I'm 6'1" so.... you get the idea. If it had been a snake, that would have been awesome, no big deal... It was not a snake. So call me a pansy, call me what you like, but I still hate them.

I will say that, after having observed it as one of Jehovah's beautiful creations, it was pretty cool looking and had pretty colors. That was as close as I got to liking it.

Now, moving on. Things have been going great. Keith has kept you up to date once again so I only have a few things to add.

I am really happy that the girls got to come from Korea and meet up with us. We all had a blast, even though I was a little crabby when we first met up due to the whole train station waiting game. But it worked out in the end. Driving the bikes with up the gorge was awesome and I got a lot of really cool pictures.

When we camped out in Kending we went to the place Keith mentioned called sail rock. I got to jump off the rock into the ocean. It was so awesome!! You can see the ledge in this picture.
Getting to the spot where you jumped off was not easy. First you had to walk over tide pools that were made of sharp volcanic rock leading you out into the ocean a little bit. From there we had to jump in the water and swim out to the rock. The waves made it pretty difficult to climb up onto the sharp rocks but eventually, with a cut or two, we made it up. Then there was climbing the rock itself to get to the drop off. That was fun in bare feet let me tell ya. When all was said and done I got to the top and it was just me and the ocean below. It was a little freaky because some part of me felt like earlier I had been chumming the water with the cut on my leg but I was already there so...... I jumped, sharks or no sharks. I would say it was a good 30 feet. It looked much shorter from the shore but it was a long fall. It was so fun. The water was so clear and warm. Nothing like the ocean in Oregon.

I think the best parts of this trip have been the people we have met and the new friends that we have made.

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The people here are so welcoming and you can really feel the love of the brothers here. I can't wait to come back and get immersed in the ministry here and continue to make more friends and have more great experiences.

By the way, I have a few return visits already! And the study that we had with Pilimon was amazing. You can really see the appreciation that a lot of people here have for the truth.

To all of my family and friends back home I miss you and look forward to seeing you soon. Also, if any of you want to come visit me when I move here, please do! You may get hooked and not wa
nt to leave. :)


  1. Love the pictures of you and your friends! It would be helpful if you listed their names in an order so we learn them and can keep them straight. Glad your having fun, and I have a strong dislike of spiders too.

  2. Dude, I'm with you Grant. Death to the arachnids.
    Spiders be crazy trying to get up in my grill.
    2nd to last picture COULD be mistaken for an Alien Abduction like he is being pulled straight up. Just sayin..

  3. Why did I think you actually liked spiders.............
