Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hualien - Part 2

the eighteenth of november, two thousand and twelve

  So traveling from place to place has really made it difficult to post regularly in addition to not having a solid internet connection.  Now I am staying in Kaohsiung for a few days so I will try to catch you up.

  So after we left Mugumuyu Tuesday afternoon, we headed back home for a quick recharge nap that ended up extending to almost three hours due to a freak storm that suddenly hit. That night we headed out to three different Hualien night markets. They were pretty dead because of the hard rain earlier that day and poor Lin Ping was completely worn out from showing us around so we headed in for the night. 

  Lin Ping wanted to sleep in on Wednesday so he let me take out his scooter for the day.  That's right...I drove a scooter!  First time ever!  (besides Johnnie's little electric rocket)

  We drove to Qi Xing Tang (Seven Stars Lagoon) which was a beach not far away.  We spent the morning picking through the beautiful rocky beach.  I will bring back a few for those that might appreciate them.  (Update: Jordan tried to take them home in her carry-on and they threw them in the trash :( I will try to check them). 

  Around one o'clock we turned in the bikes, said goodbye to Lin Ping and took the train back up to Taipei.  That night we went to Long Shan Temple Night Market and got the girls the massages they've been wanting.  Jordan went for the cupping although being properly warned that afterward she would bruise.  And true to the word she looked like she had been in a wrestling match with a giant octopus.  I won't post a picture but you'll have to believe me. Haha!  


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