Thursday, November 8, 2012


the eighth of november, two thousand and twelve

  So the zoo ride home on the subway made Grant feel a little ill, so I went in service with the Wanghua Congregation on Wednesday morning.  



       Around two in the afternoon, Charlie took us to meet some friends at Taipei Main (basically the Grand Central Station for Taipei).  Ting Ting, Jasmine, Nick and Hao Ming joined us to go to Jiufen.  It is near the northern point of Taiwan in the mountains.  


After about an hour on the train and bus we arrived to this beautiful view.  

We roped this poor kid into taking our picture so we wanted a picture with him!

 The alleys were packed with tourists, locals and vendors.  It was a really cool place!

Then we went and drank tea at this sweet multi-story tea house and convinced them to let us use the closed-off top floor! It was a beautiful view of a beautiful night.

I found this frog for Tyson like he asked and this hand-made Taiwanese ocarina for Clay.  Tell me if you find this acceptable ;)


  1. Hi Keith, We are amazed at all your pictures and enjoying your adventures, Love Omi and Opi
