Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Taiwan Bethel

the twenty-eighth of november, two thousand and twelve.


  Tuesday we went to the Taiwan branch office in Taoyuan County.  A brother that just flew into Taiwan on Monday, originally from Brooklyn Chinese, came with us.  He is friends with Josh and is staying with him for two weeks.  

   We met at the train station and after about an hour train ride we arrived and stopped a couple of taxis until one knew where Boteli was.  We joined a tour with a few brothers and sisters from the local area and Japan.  The branch is really small with only thirty-six members but they record all of the Mandarin publications we get (DVDs, district convention dramas, magazine readings, and Taiwanese sign language publications).  Taiwan still has many missionaries in the country and there are just over eight thousand Witnesses in the country.  


   Every four years the district conventions combine for a countrywide convention, sort of a mini international except its 'intra'national.  Next year they will have another like that.  Many are hoping to have outside delegates invited as well.


  We met Poul Anderson, one of the members of the Taiwan Branch Committee.  He is from Denmark and has been in the country for thirty-seven years even having raised a son in the country.  He was a very pleasant, personable brother who encouraged us to move to Taiwan if we could.  I don't think we need much of a push since we love it so much here! :)  After the tour we headed home and rested up a bit before going to Ting Ting's house for dinner and some games.  With only one full day left, I'm feeling a bit bummed :(

  Oh, and notice my hair did you...sigh...long story.


  1. That's so cool! An INTRANATIONAL! That would be so much fun. Love the panorama shot at the end too~

  2. Thanks for posting up the pictures from bethel!

  3. So where's the follow up? I want the picture of your Mom's expression when you showed up all banged up from your little 'incident' on the scooter...
