Sunday, November 25, 2012

Teacher Keith

the twenty-fifth of november, two thousand and twelve.

the older class

  Last Wednesday I had the awesome opportunity to go to work with Alex.  He is a teacher at an English school in Kaohsiung.  His boss said that I could go in and help him teach the kids.  They have a curriculum to follow, but there is alot of room for games and activities to help the kids remember and have fun learning.  But during English classes they are forbidden to speak Chinese.  The first two parts of the day were with the seven/eight year olds.  At the start of the class Teacher Alex introduced me as Teacher Keith and they had the opportunity to ask me any questions about America or California or if I was dating!  They were really fun to play with.  Their reading in unison was the cutest, funniest thing I have seen.  

The Dinosaur Game
 We divided the class and played The Monster Game and The Dinosaur Game.  I got to draw each of the Monsters at the bottom of the stairs!  And the kids love volunteering to be the team mascot.  They settle all ties with Rock, Paper, Scissors.  

The Monster Game with the younger class
Then we broke into groups for some factual writing.  Each group had to choose an animal to write about.  I was put with Brady who has a hard time focusing and sitting still and then Brian wanted to work with me too.  We wrote about turtles and drew pictures afterward.

  Next the eleven/twelve year olds came in.  They were a bit 'cooler' and so it made it a bit more difficult to get 'in' with them, but after a few jokes and questions, they were just as fun. I really want to return and teach.  It was very enjoyable.


  1. I'm not going to lie. I'm even more jealous now. Forget the scooters, working with those kids seems like a true highlight. See you soon. Krystle says don't forget we have dinner plans. ;)

    1. Ive been dying to talk to you guys! Get on Skype or something!

  2. The face you are making in the last picture looks suspiciously like the person drawn on the whiteboard in the middle :)
    Those kids look awesomely goofy also that '8 year old' in the green sweat on your right is a monster!
