Monday, November 19, 2012


the nineteenth of november, two thousand and twelve

 We relaxed and studied and swam a bit on the beach on Friday.  Then we went for a ride via car and scooter to Sail rock and while a few jumped off "Nixon's nose", I went tide pooling and found all the same animals from my tank at home!  There were brittle stars and hermit crabs and snowflake eels and gobies! It was awesome to be able to recognize so many things.

 The pictures from the tide pools were all on cell phones so I need to get the emails before I can post them.  

I can't forget Beako was there too!

  We drove around to the east side and saw this amazing view which reminded me of Princess Bride.  

  After this we drove to see the Chu Huo, the eternal burning fire.  It's a place where natural gas is escaping the ground and it keeps burning.  It'd be great for a campground although I'm sure it can't be so healthy.  We roast marshmallows and had the best popcorn EVER! (wink wink, thanks Nick) 

  For dinner, well that kinda runs into the next day so I'll stop there for now. 

1 comment:

  1. the eastside is beautiful. did you roll down hill and say, as youuuu wish!

