Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gaotie (High Speed Rail)

the nineteenth of november, two thousand and twelve

  Thursday we packed out bags once again and this time took the gaotie down south to the Zuoying district of Kaohsiung.  The high speed rail travels nearly 300 km/hr and shortens the five to six hour drive to Kaohsiung down to ninety minutes!  Then we took a taxi to Kending which took another hour and a half.  

  Grant, the two girls and I met up with Nick, Charlie, his sister Michelle and her husband Brian.  We had Mexican food that night then walked around the main street and ate a few exotic foods.  Check out this duck head (super greasy) and these snails you suck out of the shell (nick says they're like beer nuts...I disagree). Then we got the girls a hotel room close to the beach we were camping at.
Who doesn't love Daffy!

  This camp ground was shut down for whatever reason three months ago, but we set up camp here under the shelter, just needed to pay the groundskeeper a little.

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