Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Out of the Mouth of Grant: Part 2

Hello again blog followers, it is I! Grantisimo!

Every day we have been having more and more fun. Keith has brought you up to date mostly, except for today. I'll let him do his thing and let him tell you all about it. Spoiler: we went to the zoo :).

I will say though, I got my first taste of Taiwanese traffic craziness. Charlie happened to have two scooters and, here in Taiwan, traveling by motuoche (motorcycle/scooter) is exponentially better than traveling by bus, taxi, subway or foot. So, we drove the scooters to meet up with friends for dinner and a movie. IT WAS AWESOME!!! When I come back to Taipei I am definately getting a bike (a real streetbike, not a scooter) as my regular form of transportation. They even meet for service on scooters! It is so fun. Much safer than one would imagine.

The main thing that is difficult about driving around here is that every street corner looks exactly the same as the last one. I think that with time, one could overcome the madness that is navigating the city streets. At least I hope so.

I would also like to clear something up for all the people that have been wondering, or have ever wondered if the following statement is true... People in Asian countries eat dogs. Well .....

Think on that....

Which makes me wonder... even though the box says mac d's on the side, and it tastes the same as in the states.... what is it really made of?.... Maybe we have been eating dog all along and never even knew it. Oh well, MORE MSG PLEASE!!!

I hope that all is well with the friends and family following the blog. I miss you all and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. As a treat I will finish up my second blog with a Taiwanese graffiti art masterpiece. Ta ta 4 now.


  1. Nice surfing skills on the croc. And I bet my Cambodian coworker is missing having dog for dinner. He says black dog is his favorite!

  2. And i forgot to mention that I'm lovin the graffiti

  3. The tagging just looks so happy...
    Haha, the word made to look like a yorkshire terrier is just brilliant, if they served dog here and had a sign like that. I think I would give it a shot...
    Grant looks sad in the McDonalds shot, was he thinking about what the food is made out of??
    What company makes their scooters? They Chinese Made? or Japanese?

  4. Just to be clear. That store doesnt actually sell dog meat.

  5. I'm curious have you ever seen dog on a menu?

    1. not yet, want us to bring you back some if we do?
