Friday, November 2, 2012

Study and Meeting

the third of november, two thousand and twelve

  Yesterday was so much fun! First thing we did was head down the block and eat breakfast at a little restaurant called Yummy or something like that.  I ordered a tuna hamburger (which is just like it sounds except no beef patty) and a cup of coffee (which didn't taste like Starbucks at all). Then Josh and I went on his study with Mr. Yang. To get there, I had to ride on the back of his scooter, wearing an amazing pink helmet! He claims it is their only spare helmet...uh huh, sure.

  Ok, but seriously, when I think about heading home, I already miss scooters.  I didn't drive it yet but it is so cool to ride around on one.  And everyone is dressed differently and no one seems to look twice at you, even if you're wearing a pink helmet ;)

  Mr. Yang is halfway through the God's Love book and is incredibly bright.  He lives in Wugu, a very industrial area above factories and the like.  The smell of plastics and chemicals is quite strong and many who come here for service need to leave early because of the fumes.  He is crippled and basically cannot use his arms or legs for anything, yet that does not stop him from progressing.  Josh says he is going to join the school soon.  He also keeps about 10 finches which sing and coo beautifully during the study.  

  After noon we returned home and Grant and I studied while Josh went to work.  Makoto and Kazue made us 'Italian noodles' with bacon, mushrooms and white sauce.  It was delicious seeing as how we cannot get that type of meal around here.

Taipei 101 in the distance
  In the evening we walked to meeting about five or six minutes down the street.  It is a few floors up inside a building.  They say it is the most beautiful Kingdom Hall in Taiwan and prettier than many in the states.  Every congregation here fights for Friday night meeting.  In the states, we kinda view Fridays as personal time and would hate to have Friday meetings.  But here, not only do people work full-time during the week, but they like not having to think about how to fill their Friday nights. I thought that was interesting.

 After meeting we were bombarded with people approaching us.  We had four different offers for meals this weekend and, oh! guess who was at meeting?  Rachel Zheng jiemei's past Bible student, Huang jiemei!  She is the pioneer sister in the wheelchair that came and visited us in Seattle.  It was a surprise for both of us.

  We definitely failed as far as pictures go so we will try to get some of the Kingdom Hall this weekend.  And the kids (and adults) liked the candy we brought. 

  Well today is service and more studies (and more scooter)! So I gotta get ready!  If you wanna Skype me lemme know!  Thanks for following.

View from apartment roof of Sanzhong
Perspective straight down (full zoom)


  1. LOL Pink is your color. Wo keyi xiang xiang zhe ge touhui zai ni de tou shang. Xihuan nimen de zhaopian. AY

  2. I am testing to see if I can comment, or if I have done something wrong. I would like to Skype. Do you have our e-mail?


    1. i dont think i do Jacob. Please send it to me

  3. Wow, you two are having a great time!Thanks for letting your friends enjoy your journey with you. Josh is a good host.


  4. How did it go with the fumes for you during the study? Did you get sick? That's really crazy that people live there where the fumes are that bad. But encouraging that he is making such progress!

    1. We weren't there long enough for it to affect me. Plus, inside was better than on the street.

    2. Oh and he is in the congregation pic in the wheelchair on the other post.

  5. Would love to see more pictures of the beautiful Kingdom Hall.
