Sunday, November 4, 2012


the fifth of november, two thousand and twelve

  This weekend has been busy and every spare moment I've been too exhausted to post but let me try to catch you up:

Saturday - Service
  In the morning we took a taxi to a sister's house for the meeting for service.  Then we reassembled in the territory without skipping a beat (that means no stand-around-and-chat time). I took a few pictures but forgot my SD card and it saved to the camera memory and I don't have the cord to download it to the computer yet, sorry.

(insert picture here)
  I was put with Sister Huang (don't get confused if a lot of people have the same name) and we had a great time.  I placed several magazines, a brochure in English with a Filipino family and a Bible teach book with a man who invited us in and allowed us to start a study.  In the afternoon, Josh and I went on two of his studies which are pretty much all amazing.  The Taiwanese work so much that sometimes we just study in their office.  This one 'kid' (turns out he is twenty eight and married) works in a denture-making place.  His boss who is Christian was originally called on and he thought his worker would like to study.  So through this referral, Josh started this study.  This guy had amazing questions and Josh is so good at explaining things that his face just lit up.  Afterward we took pictures and he sent Josh a text thanking him for our encouraging visit.  

  The next study was with a young Indonesian kid who is about 12 years old.  His mom has been studying and would occasionally bring the family to meetings.  He had been listening in on his mom's study so one day he approached Josh and as cool as possible asked, "can I have my own study?"  Of course Josh agreed and began his study.  He now attends meetings regularly, often taking the bus on his own when his mother doesn't go.  So Josh had told him that a friend was visiting who was part Indonisian.  Before we arrived, he called Josh and asked him if I was his age :) Josh said chabuduo, which means just about.  When we arrived, I wasn't quite what he was expecting but he believed Josh when he jokingly said I was seventeen or eighteen ;) We set him straight, but he was still really nervous of me, hiding his face and staring at me.  I think he was in awe of this 'foreigner'.

- Ximen Market 

  At night we went to Ximen on our own across the bridge to meet Charlie who will be our next host starting Monday night.  I have to say, I have not once felt unsafe here.  Most people mind their own business but will be very friendly if you need help with something. 

  So Charlie and his cousin Ting Ting met up with us outside Ximen subway.  Charlie is twenty five and has lived here for five years.  He was from San Jose originally and then Pittsburgh before moving here.  His cousin and his aunt just moved back a few weeks ago after living in the States for the last ten years.

  We got some Thai food and spent the evening walking around and seeing the streets.  It's kinda like a mini Times Square.

Sunday - Meeting


  Xian Yu made us a good breakfast and, well, microwaved a bowl of eggs.  It wasn't bad but a little weird.  
  At 9:30 we had the Public Meeting and once again spent time with the local friends.  We met the Wangs who were once in the hall and now visiting for a few days.  It so happens that Huang jiemei is Wang jiemei's older sister.  They live next to Riyue Tang, Sun-Moon Lake and they invited us to stay.  We may just go there :)

 Huang jiemei took us out to lunch at my favorite place yet where we ate noodle soup and goose. It was delicious!

- Hiking 
After changing clothes Josh, Grant and I took the bus up to Yangming Shan, the mountain overlooking Taipei.  We hiked around a bit and saw the city scape from the top and found a few sulfur-fed waterfalls.  It got dark on us really quickly so we had to head back in the dark.  We were hungry so we found this shop that sold hotdogs and corn dogs so we ordered fried rice. :P  I mean what do you put in hotdogs? All the stuff you don't want, right? Well the Chinese eat everything, so....what is it that THEY don't want?  I don't want it either :D===

Monday - Squash

  Yep, that's right! We played Squash!  Josh had an appointment so Grant and I met up with Rob and Allen (Big Al) and Big Al's wife Kim. They are all missionaries here in Taiwan.  It was really fun renting two courts and getting schooled by these guys ;)

  Well that basically catches you up to where I am right now.  We are changing apartments later today and moving over to Charlie's tonight.  Hope all is well back home.  Love ya and miss you all.



  1. I can't stop staring at the picture of the waterfall. Love it!

    Just had English SAD, it all makes so much sense now! Looks like you two are having a great time, thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. LOL Chinese Hotdogs.... That's an interesting thought...

    The studies there sound fantastic! That video of microwaving egg bowl looks like nacho cheese/ bean dip? Was it fluffy? Do tell!

    1. It was kinda fluffy. It was much darker in color than normal - almost a little green :/

  3. Replies
    1. nah, they are cloudy 'cause they're saturated with sulfur, and unfortunately have a lot of garbage. I wouldn't wanna jump in.

  4. Hey, Say hi to Charlie for me, I know Charlie, he was awesome. I stayed with Charlie for a week or so when I first got there, back in 2008. (Not sure he'd remember me. At the time he lived with Satoshi, somewhere near his sister and brother in law Michelle and Brian. Keep blogging Keith, sounds like you're having fun. You should live there.
