Thursday, November 1, 2012

Out of the Mouth of Grant: Part 1

Ok... so I'm not much of a blogger but i figured i owe a little bit of a contribution to the blog. So here goes...

Let me first start with saying hello to all the friends and family that will be following our trip. I hope you enjoy it. Second, I LOVE THIS PLACE!! It is totally amazing here. I never expected to be on the other side of the world in my life, and yet here I am. The city is awesome and the people are super nice to boot. The friends that we have met so far are great and they have been very hospitable. I definitely intend to come back.

Yesterday, night market was bustling with people. As far the eye could see there was activities, food, shopping, you name it! I got in line for something called JiPai. Basically it's a slab of deep fried chicken with spices on it. Delicious!!

Being up for almost two days straight hasn't taken it's tole yet, but I am sure that soon it will. However, until that time we are making the most of the time here and going non-stop. Tonight we have meeting. I can't wait to meet all the friends. Until next time :)


  1. Does the sushi taste better cuz you're closer to Japan? I want pictures of the JiPai that sounds delishus! Take pictures of the KH and Cong too! Can't wait to hear about the meeting!

  2. Are you sure it was chicken or something that just tastes like chicken? Chicken doesn't come in slabs!!! LOL

  3. Well, Id rather rather not know....


  4. I've been checking out the blogs from my droid and couldn't appreciate the photos fully. Ah, viewing the photos via computer screen is much, much better. Can see more details... What are you two carrying in front of sushi place?

  5. OMG! It looks like candy in colorful wrappers...ya funny!

  6. The animal pictures are gorgeous! The tiger looks close enough to eat you. The colorful dragonfly was amazing. Keep posting the pictures.
