Thursday, November 1, 2012

We've Arrived!

the first of november, two thousand and twelve

Hope you're ready for us Taiwan, 'cause here we are!

To begin, let me introduce our first generous host. Meet Josh Morgandale.

Came from Jersey, Josh has now been living here for over a year.  We met earlier this year when he came out to Camarillo and gave a talk (although I think we both figure we met before that because he gave a few talks in Ossining when I was still there). 

Josh met us at the airport and helped us take the bus into Taipei, the subway to Ximen (almost exactly like New York's, minus the current flooding), and from there another bus across the bridge to Sanzhong, our base of operations for the next few days.  I was7 a bit fed up with lugging my bags in and out of tight spaces and up and down stairs and escalators and subways and buses but I guess that is why it's called 'Lugg'age. 

I am sitting right now, in his modest apartment and we met two of his three roommates.  Makoto and Kazue Niwa. They are also need-greaters but from Fukoka, Japan and have been here around one year as well.  The third, a Korean brother, we will meet later tonight.

I'm gonna take a nap and finish this later... 

Ok I'm back! It's Friday morning and the nap never happened :( We went out to Chiang Kai-Sheik Memorial Hall, met up with Josh's last roommate, Xian Yu and walked around the beautiful park.  Around 7 pm we went to Shilin night market.  Wow, was that a sight to see or what!  Food, clothing, toys, basically whatever you can imagine; streets packed with people. My 45 minute massage basically put me to sleep and combined with jet lag, they decided I needed to get home. And sleep I did.


  1. Your pictures look amazing thus far. So excited for you both. Krystle is begging you to bring back some Sushi Takeout. :)

  2. Hello,
    I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the Kingdom Hall your visiting and the SISTERS and brothers. I would love to see the territory as you go door to door to.
    Pete wants to know why you are sitting next to two random people using their phones on the subway.

  3. Haha big american's on the tiny park bench. The perspective of that shot is awesome. It makes you look like giants. The street signals look very interesting. Horizontal instead of vertical AND seafoam green?? Madness!

  4. I want a 45 minute massage! How Much $ ?
